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CEQ12 Battery Balancer
CEQ12 Battery Balancer. Click image to download a data sheet.
987EQ2 Battery Equaliser
EQ2 Battery Equaliser. Click image to download a data sheet.

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Battery Balancer and Battery Equaliser.

The 12V CEQ12 Battery Balancer is a solid state encapsulated electronic device which functions by measuring 2 series connected batteries and automatically compensating for battery voltage imbalance between each one
when the measured differential is approximately 0.05VDC or higher.

In many applications where a pair of batteries is connected in series, small imbalances occur which increase over time until one battery becomes overcharged and the other undercharged. This leads to premature failure of the battery in the longer term and a loss of capacity in the short term.

Using battery balancers in your installation offers the following advantages, features and benefits:

  • Improved battery life.
  • Improves performance by 10-40% in some applications
  • Switches from standby to on automatically as the batteries charge
  • Easy to install and connect
  • Suitable for all 12V lead acid batteries
  • Available in 6V and 10V versions
  • Differential sensitivity as low as 50mV
  • Maximum current 1ADC
  • Operating voltage range 8-16VDC
  • For further information on the CEQ12 Battery Balancer please contact CamdenBoss on 01638 716-101
    or download a data sheet by clicking the picture.

    EQ2 range of Battery Equalisers

    The EQ2 Battery Equaliser is an open chassis electronic assembly designed for OEM industrial applications in switch tripping and cycling battery management systems but can also be used in electric vehicles such as mobility scooters, golf buggies and fork lift trucks.

    The EQ2 is available in several different configurations including a single 24V unit designed to balance two series connected 12V batteries, a 24V twin version designed to balance two individual series strings of two series connected batteries in dual redundant systems, a 36v version designed for three off series connected 12V batteries and a 48V version designed for four series connected 12V batteries.

    Other voltage versions for series connected 6V and 10V battery packs are also available.

    The Battery Equaliser is mounted using the four off M4 holes in the pcb and connections from the batteries are made using the three-way terminal block on the top face of the pcb. Mounting kits are included.

    Pcb mounted leds indicate when the Battery Equaliser is balancing the batteries with each led representing one of the two batteries in each chain.